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13 March 2025
Man standing under an oak tree in a cemetery.

When Alfred Henry Jones was born on February 7, 1906, in Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England, his father, Walter, was 39 and his mother, Maria, was 32. He married Kate Alberici on April 4, 1931, in Islington, Middlesex, England. They had one child during their marriage. He died as a young father on September 11, 1940, in Islington, Middlesex, England, at the age of 34, and was buried there.

Birth of Alfred Henry Jones.

Alfred Henry Jones was born on February 7, 1906, in Bethnal Green, Middlesex, England, to Maria Harris Read, age 32, and Walter John Jones, age 39.

Marriage of Alfred Henry Jones and Kate Alberici.

Alfred Henry Jones married Kate Alberici in Islington, Middlesex, England, on April 4, 1931, when he was 25 years old.

Children of Alfred Henry Jones and Kate Alberici.

  1. Margaret Jones.

Census Records for Alfred Henry Jones.

I have been able to find Alfred on the 1911 Census.

1911 Census taken on 2 April.

Name.Relation to head.MFCondition to Marriage.Children.Profession.Birthplace.
Walter John Jones. Head. 44 Married. 10 6 6 General labourer. Hackney.
Maria Harris Jones. Wife. 57 Married. 10 6 6 Hackney Wick.
Walter Frederick Jones. Son. 9 Hoe Street, Walthamstow.
William Charles Jones. Son. 8 Hoe Street, Walthamstow.
Maude Edith Jones. Daughter. 6 Digby Road, Homerton.
Alfred Henry Jones. Son. 5 Bethnal Green.
Elizabeth Marie Jones. Daughter. 3 Mile End, Old Town.

∗This name was written down incorrectly and should read Marie Elizabeth Jones. As a small child, I often wondered why Marie's sisters used to make a big deal out of calling out all her names in full. I believe this may have been the reason for it. It would have been her dad who entered this incorrectly on the census.

  • Civil parish:  Poplar
  • County/Island:  London
  • Country:  England
  • Street Address: 33 Beachey Road, Old Ford, Bow
  • Registration District Number: 22
  • Sub-registration district: Bow
  • ED, institution, or vessel: 06
  • Piece: 1656

Death of Alfred Henry Jones.

Alfred Henry Jones died on September 11, 1940, in Islington, Middlesex, England, when he was 34 years old.
