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23 February 2025
Lady standing under an oak tree in a cemetery.

When Lilian Alice Catherine Jones was born on February 28, 1915, her father, Walter, was 48, and her mother, Maria, was 41. She had four brothers and two sisters. She died on September 24, 1990, at the age of 75.

Birth of Lillian Alice Catherine Jones.

Lilian Alice Catherine Jones was born in Poplar, London, England, on February 28, 1915, to Maria Harris Read, age 41, and Walter John Jones, age 48.

Census records for Lillian Alice Catherine Jones.

I have found Lillian Alice Catherine Jones on the 1921 census and the 1939 register.

1921 Census taken on 19 June.

This census was taken in Poplar, London, Middlesex, England. It shows the family living at 29 Dace Road.

Name.Relation to Head.Age.Occupation.Birthplace.
Walter John Jones. Head. 54. General Labourer. Hackney, London, England.
Maria Jones. Wife. 47. Home duties. Hackney, London, England.
Maud Jones. Daughter. 16. Tailoress London, England.
Alfred Jones. Son. 15. Office boy. Bethnal Green, London, England.
Elizabeth Jones. Daughter. 13.   London, England.
Leonard Jones. Son. 10.   London, England.
Lillian Jones. Daughter. 6.   London, England.

1939 Register taken on 29 September.

This census shows the family living at 29 Dace Road.

Walter John Jones. M Old age pensioner.
Maria Harris Jones. F Old age pensioner.
Lillian Alice Catherine Jones. F Shorthand typist.

Death of Lillian Alice Catherine Jones.

Lilian Alice Catherine Jones died in Tower Hamlets, London, England, on September 24, 1990, when she was 75 years old.

My memories of Lillian Alice Catherine Jones.

I was very fond of my Aunt Lil, as she was known to me. I remember going to her apartment in Tower Hamlets many times with my mum. I used to enjoy talking to her about the family tree. I wish I had written some of it down so that others could still enjoy her memories.

Another of my memories of Aunt Lil is from when she and her sisters, Maud and Marie were all together at family parties. The three of them would all sit together with their arms crossed under their ample bosom, pushing their bosoms up whilst gurning. Very much like Les Dawson and Ray Barraclough used to do in their Cissie and Ada sketches. It was a truly frightening sight. This was generally preceded by a small glass of sherry and followed by just one more small glass of sherry.
