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27 July 2024
Alan Morris in Los Alcazares

This week was spent mostly working on my computer or sitting & reading my Kindle in the sun. It's great to have the sun back out.

Week 16 of 2023.

Monday, 17th April.

I got up around 8 am & sat down at my computer to work on my website. I continued working until around 11:30 & then got on my disability scooter & went to meet my friend Martin. Whilst there Martin's wife Kate asked me to take a look at her computer tomorrow & we arranged for her to come to mine in the morning. We sat talking at Pizzeria La Sombre until just after 2:30 pm. 

On my way home I saw my friend Joe outside his bar, Perlitas, on Rio Nalon. I stopped off to have a chat with him & we were soon joined by his wife Kate. I haven't seen either of them for a while & we sat outside chatting in the sun. We kept talking until it started to get a bit cooler at around 8 pm, & I then left them & went back to my apartment.

When I got home I watched some television before going to bed at around 10 pm.

Tuesday, 18th April.

I woke up around 7 am & continued to work on my website. I worked until around 9 am then got myself a coffee before starting to make some pies. I was just browning the meat when Kate turned up with her laptop. I finished browning the meat, fried some onions & peppers & put it all in my slow cooker.

I then looked at Kate's laptop & tried a few different ways to back up her photos & videos but she did not have enough free space to back them all up. She has an external hard drive but forgot to bring it with her. I copy some spreadsheets I have set up for Martin to use, onto her laptop so they can print them whenever they need to. I told her to come back with the external drive & I can back up her photos & videos.

At around 1 pm Kate took her laptop home & dropped me off at La Sombre Pizzeria to meet Martin. Whilst I am chatting with Martin, Viv arrived & when she left she was able to give me a lift home. When I got home I worked on more of my photos. At around 9 pm, my slow cooker had finished cooking the meat for my pies & I separated it out into pie dishes before allowing it to cool off.

Wednesday, 19th April.

The first thing I did in the morning was to mash some sweet potatoes. Once done I added the mash to the pies I made yesterday & put all but one in the freezer, I kept one out for my lunch today.

I did some more work on my website & added the photos from my trip to see the flower festival last week to a photo gallery on my website before backing up the website again. I had been having so many problems with the website that I am slowly removing sections to find out what the problem is. After doing each bit I am backing it up so that if it goes down again I will not have to redo so much work.

I took a break from my computer & went down to the chiringuito outside my apartment. I got a coffee & sat there reading my Kindle for an hour or so. When I got too hot I walked around to the D´Pollo takeaway to get something for dinner. Today I had chicken in tomato sauce it was very nice.

In the afternoon & evening, I spent time just sitting on my balcony reading my Kindle.

Thursday, 20th April.

This morning I continued replacing some sections of my website & backing it up straight away. I worked on the section about my escorted coach tour across the Southern States of America. After a few hours of work, I stopped & walked around to the Buena Vista Restaurant where I sat & had a coffee & read my Kindle.

I then went home & again sat on my balcony reading & enjoying the warmer weather before I had my lunch. After lunch, I continued to read & my friend Alan Bond sent me a message to see if I wanted to meet him at La Playa bar tonight. I watched some television & then got ready to meet Alan.

I walked around to La Playa bar & spent the night listening to my friend Gary play music in the bar & chat with my friends, Alan, Bob, Derek & Ady. At the end of the night, I headed home & walked along the beach but noticed two separate groups of young men acting strangely, they were watching me & one group disappeared into the shadows. After being mugged a few years ago I have been more nervous about walking home at night & I call my friends Shellie & Jim to see if they can pick me up. Shellie keeps talking to me & Jim catches up with me. Just as Jim arrives the last three youths disappear but Jim walks with me back to my apartment checking that I got in safely. Thank you, Shellie & Jim, it may have been nothing but I didn't want to take the chance.

Friday, 21st April.

I woke up around 7 am & got a coffee & sat down to work on my computer until around 10 am. At 10 am I contacted the DWP in the UK, they have still not paid me some money that they owe me & I am again querying why it hasn't been paid yet. The lady I talked to is quite helpful & tried to contact the department that makes payments. She can not get through to them & promises to keep trying. I tell her that I want to make an official complaint & that I expect interest to be paid on the money they owe me. She again promises to find out why it hasn't been paid yet. I tell her if it hasn't arrived by next week I will call her back again.

This afternoon I read my Kindle & sat in the sun on my balcony. This evening I watched Arsenal play Southampton. Southampton were winning 0-1 after a mistake from Arsenal goalkeeper Aaron Ramsey almost from the kickoff. After 10 minutes had been played Southampton had scored again & were winning 0-2. Arsenal were playing terribly but after 20 minutes they had pulled a goal back.

Unfortunately in the second half, it was Southampton who scored again & they went 1-3 up. Arsenal threw players forward & with 2 minutes remaining they pulled a second goal back & almost immediately got a third to make it 3-3. In the remaining few seconds Arsenal hit the crossbar but it was too little too late & they only managed to rescue a draw & get 1 point. Manchester City must now be favourites to win the Premier League, they are 5 points behind Arsenal but have played two games less.

Saturday, 22nd April.

When I woke up this morning I began changing more sections on my website, I managed to change the celebrity stories section & the recipes section. Thankfully the changes I made do not cause any problems & I am also able to update a few other sections.

I took some recyclable rubbish to the plastic recycling bin & glass recycling bin before going to D´Pollo to get some lunch. Today I had a breadcrumb-covered chicken fillet with some chips. Once again the food was very good & in my opinion a great price.

I spent the afternoon working on a few more sections of my website before watching some of today's football before going to bed.

Sunday, 23rd April.

I woke up around 6:30 am & immediately checked that my website had been backed up correctly before settling down to do the last set of changes that I had to do. Once I had checked the backup had been done I made the changes & to my relief, the work I have done over the week has worked & the site is now working as I wanted it to. It was the Genealogy section of the website that had been causing me problems, but it is now up & running again & not causing problems with other parts of the site.

At 12:45, June picked me up to go to lunch at Campbells bar in Roda. Whilst we wait for our dinner I am able to find out why Junes Facebook account is having some problems & I quickly fixed the problem. I really enjoyed my dinner & when we have both finished we leave & go to La Ola bar on the way home. We stop for a drink & a chat before June drops me at home.

When I got in, I switched the TV on & the Newcastle v Tottenham game was just kicking off for the second half. Newcastle were already winning 5-0 & it finished 6-1, oh dear how sad, what a shame. Arsenal made me feel sad on Friday night but Tottenham cheered me up today. This evening I watch television before going to bed early.
