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27 July 2024
Alan Morris at Las Claras centre in Los Narejos.

This week was spent mostly indoors with a cold. 

Week 2 of 2023.

Monday, 9th January.

As soon as the doctor's surgery opened today I went along for my regular blood test for my anticoagulant levels. I hadn't seen the lady before & she complained a lot about my poor veins, she looked at both arms several times before going into the left arm to get my blood sample. After she had got what she wanted I went home for a coffee & some porridge for breakfast.

I went to the Las Claras Centre in Los Narejos this morning. I used to go to a coffee morning on a Monday most weeks but I got out of the habit of going & want to start going again. I need to start getting out more as I am losing touch with so many people that I used to see quite regularly. I went to the coffee meeting & saw a few people I hadn't seen in months, it was good to see them again & I will endeavour to go every week now.

After going to the coffee morning I continued to Pizzeria La Sombre to meet my friend Martin for our weekly catch-up & to have a few beers. It was a subdued meeting today as we are both feeling a bit under the weather from a cold.

After leaving I went home via the D´Pollo takeaway near me to get something to eat. The rest of the day was spent tucked up under my blanket trying to keep warm.

Tuesday, 10th January.

The entire day was spent at home today working on my website. The cold has caused me to have a tickly throat & headaches that don't want to go away. I am treating it with lots of lemsip drinks & lemsip tablets & by drinking lots of water to keep hydrated. The only time I leave the house is to return a parcel to the Euronics shop nearby my apartment.

Wednesday, 11th January.

Once again today I have continuous headaches throughout the day. The tickly throat is easing up & the sniffy nose is getting much better. I work on my new website design all day but don't seem to be able to make much headway, the lemsip is making me drowsy & I keep making mistakes & having to go back to correct them.

Thursday, 12th January.

This morning I worked on my website for a while before going to see my friends Pat & Sandra in Barrio de la Fuensanta. It was great to see them both again, we sat chatting & had a cup of tea & a cake & the time flew by. When I left I thought I had been there for a short visit, but when I got home it turned out I had been away from home, travelling included for around 3 hours.

I felt much better just getting out of the house for a while & seeing some friendly faces.

Friday, 13th January.

When I got up this morning my headache wasn't as bad but I had run out of lemsip so I went to the local pharmacy to get the Spanish version of it. A pack of 10 Lemsip in the UK costs about £4 but in Spain, Frenadol, the equivalent, cost me €10.95, it is a bit stronger but that's a big difference, I hope this cold clears up soon.

I work on my website for a few hours & have a breakthrough with what I am trying to do. The change in the menu system looks like it will work & I continue working until around 2 pm when I stop for lunch. After lunch, I fall asleep for a few hours before continuing to work on my website. I don't work on it for too long as I am very drowsy after taking another Frenadol. I watch TV for a while before going to bed early.

Saturday, 14th January.

Today was again spent indoors trying to get rid of the cold I have. I did a lot of work on my website & watched some football on the television but apart from that very little at all.

It was disappointing to see that Chelsea has managed to buy a player that Arsenal was hoping to sign. They offered the selling club more money for him & doubled the wages that Arsenal had offered him. Although I am disappointed he won't be playing for Arsenal, I am glad they didn't break their budget for an as-yet unproven player. I wonder after all his self-promotion of his desire to join Arsenal over the last few months will be removed from the internet & if he will no longer be supporting & watching Arsenal games on the television every week.

Sunday, 15th January.

I spent the day working on my website & got a lot done but still have a few problems with the new layout & navigation that I haven't been able to fix yet.

This evening I watch the Tottenham v Arsenal football match & I am very pleased to see Arsenal play very well & win 0-2. It didn't appear that the player who didn't sign for Arsenal, preferring Chelsea, may come to rue his decision. As soon as the game finishes I go to bed & have an early night.
