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27 July 2024
Martin Purdom & Alan Morris, a couple of donuts.

The week started off quietly recovering from my cruise around the Mediterranean which finished last week. I had a few deliveries arrive & some that did not arrive. At the weekend my sister arrived from the UK.

Week 22 of 2023.

Monday, 29th May.

I woke up around 7 am today & got myself a coffee & some orange juice before settling down at my computer to work before going to the office to meet my friend Martin later. I felt better this morning & think the rest over the last couple of days has helped. Whatever the bug was that affected me on my cruise, it seems to have gone & I can now look forward to seeing my sister at the end of the week.

On my way to meet Martin, I drop off a load of rubbish at the bins as I head towards La Sombre Pizzeria (The Office). Today we were joined by Martins´ sister, Lesley, who is here for a week's holiday. We were also joined by Martins´ dad, Dave, who always helps us out with the work we have to do. We had a good chat & caught up before we all headed off around 2:15 pm.

Once home at my apartment, I put my feet up & rested up for the rest of the day. I still feel very lethargic after my cruise even if I am now eating a bit better.

Tuesday, 30th May.

This morning I worked on my website until around 11:45 am when I then went to meet Martin for a shandy. We were again joined by Lesley & we all sat chatting until around 2 pm. On my way home I stopped at the Mercadona store to get a few groceries for the rest of the week & then went home.

When I got home I made an appointment to see my advisor at the bank, I can not see how to make a claim on the holiday insurance I got from the bank & need to make a claim. The appointment is made for Friday & I then continue to work on my website.

Once again this afternoon I am feeling very lethargic & spend most of the afternoon watching television & drifting in & out of sleep before having an early night tonight, going to bed at around 10 pm.

Wednesday, 31st May.

When I got up this morning I walked to the Buena Vista restaurant on the beachfront for a cooked breakfast. As always the service was excellent & the food was very good. I sat & read my Kindle for a while before returning to my apartment.

I worked on my website for most of the rest of the day. I added photos to the photo galleries for the Mediterranean cruise I took this month. The day seemed to fly by & at 4 pm my friend Jim called to ask me out to dinner. He said he would be around to pick me up at 6:45 pm.

At 6:45 pm I walked outside & met Jim to go for dinner. We went to dinner at a Nepal Indian restaurant near the Arches in Los Narejos. Although the meal was okay it was nothing special & I certainly wouldn't rush back there, there are a lot better restaurants in the area. When we finished our meal we went to the Chiringuito outside my apartment for a coffee. We sat there chatting for a while before Jim headed home to pack for his return to Scotland & I went back to my apartment. Before he left he left me some beard butter which he informs me will help me groom my beard & keep it looking good.

Thursday, 1st June.

I woke at about 6 am today & after working on my website for a while I decided that I would see if the water in the Mar Menor was warm enough to go for a swim. I went down to the beach with some bread to feed the fish at about 8:30 am. I sat in the water feeding the fish & when my body had gotten used to the cold water, I swam out to the rocks about 200 m from the beach. I sat there for a while watching the joggers & walkers going along the promenade before I swam back to the shore.

When I got back to the shallow water I just sat in the water watching the fish as they swam around me. The small fish soon began nibbling away at the dead & rough skin on my feet. Some people pay a fortune to get a fish pedicure, I just go for a swim in the Mar Menor & let the fish give me a free one. As I sat there my cousin Jill walked past & briefly stopped to say hello before walking on, as she went I got out of the water & dried myself off before going back to my apartment.

Once inside I took a shower & feeling very refreshed I continued to edit the photos from my holiday to put on my website. I also went onto the Amazon website & ordered some shelving for my utility room, a shelf for my lounge & a beard set consisting of a comb, brush & pair of scissors. Lots of people, apart from my friend Jim, have told me that the beard suits me, so if Im going to keep my beard I may as well try to groom it properly.

Friday, 2nd June.

I woke early again this morning at about 6 am. I work on my website until around 8:15 am & then head to the bank so that I am there at opening time to see my advisor.

When I arrive the bank is still closed but it opens up just after 8:30 am. I see my advisor straight away & explain to her that I am having difficulty making a claim on the holiday insurance because the document she gave me was in Spanish & I am not sure what it all says. I had assumed that the hospital onboard ship last week would have billed the insurance company but they billed me direct & gave me a letter for my insurance company. My advisor very kindly said that she would deal with it all for me. She took copies of my documents & told me she would email me or call me when it had been resolved. I hope that it is all that easy.

I leave the bank & as it is still early I stop at my Doctors' surgery on the way home. They have just opened & there is no one else there when I go in. The receptionist, a lovely lady, gets me an appointment to see the Doctor straight away. Within a couple of minutes, I am in with a new lady Doctor that I haven't seen before. After reading the notes from the Doctor I saw onboard the ship last week & listening to me tell her about my lethargy & the fact that I seem to be constantly dehydrated at the moment she tells me that she wants to take some blood tests from me to see what the matter is. I have to make an appointment to return on Monday with two stool samples & a urine sample & then the nurse will take some blood samples so that they can all be sent off for analysis. After making the appointment for first thing Monday morning I then head home.

When I got in I worked on my website until the lethargy kicked in again. I got myself a pizza for lunch & then almost immediately fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up just in time for a delivery from Amazon, the beard kit & the shelving unit for my utility room that I ordered yesterday. I checked the order was okay, sat down & fell asleep again. I was woken back up in the afternoon when another delivery arrived. This time it was one of the four shirts that I ordered before I went on holiday. I contacted the company I ordered them from & they told me they have been sent separately as there was a delay in the rest of the order. At least I liked the shirt that did arrive & it fits well.

Once again I fell asleep on the sofa & at about 5 pm the second part of my Amazon order arrives. This was a bookshelf for my lounge. I am going to move my dining room table & the massage chair in my lounge, this will involve moving two bookshelves. I am going to use one slightly longer shelf than the current two I use at the moment.

In the evening I don't seem to be able to keep my eyes open again & spend the evening & night dropping in & out of sleep before eventually going to bed.

Saturday, 3rd June.

I woke up around  6 am. I worked on photos from my cruise for a while & at around 9:30 am I walked to the Buena Vista Restaurant on the beachfront for a cooked breakfast. I had ordered my breakfast & a coffee & was sat outside when light rain began to fall so I moved inside the restaurant. I ate my breakfast, got another coffee & read my Kindle for a while before heading back to my apartment.

At around 11:30 am my sister Karen, her other half, Brett & their daughter Holly arrived at my apartment. They had arranged to pick the key up for the apartment that they are renting below mine, at my apartment. Unfortunately, the owner had not delivered the keys yet. We all went downstairs to the chiringuito where we sat chatting & having a drink. Brett contacted the owner of the apartment they were renting several times & was told the keys would be delivered soon. When we finished our drinks we went back to my apartment to wait for the keys. The lady who owns the apartment eventually turned up around 2:45 pm with the keys & they could move into the rental apartment.

I sat & watched the Manchester City v Manchester United FA Cup Final on the television. Manchester City won the final 2-1, which meant that next season the opening game of the season, the Charity Shield, would be between Manchester City & Arsenal at Wembley. I got myself steak & salad for dinner & whilst preparing it I noticed that Karen & Brett had left some of their grocery shopping in my house so I took it down to them.

Whilst we sat there talking, Karen produced a parcel for me. It was all wrapped up & addressed correctly & she told me that she had sent it to me around three years ago but the parcel had been returned to them undelivered. Quite why it hadn't been delivered we don't know, it was addressed correctly. Anyway, I had a new, old present to unwrap & when I did unwrap it I had a nice new shirt. It came at a good time as in the next few weeks I intend to throw out a lot of my old clothes. I had been going through some old photos & noticed that some of my shirts are older than time & need replacing.

This evening I watch a little television before going to bed around 1 am.

Sunday, 4th June.

I woke up at around 7 am. I finished the work on my website for my cruise around the Mediterranean in May & then went down to see if my sister was okay in the apartment she is renting below me. They had a couple of problems with door locks & I told them to let the owner know immediately so they don't get billed for a repair. After speaking to my sister I walked along to the Buena Vista Restaurant for a tostado & a coffee. I sat there reading my Kindle for a while before returning to my apartment to be picked up later by June to go for Sunday lunch at Campbells' bar in Roda.

June picked me up at 12:45 pm & we went straight to Campbells for dinner. I ordered the roast lamb & June had the chicken. This was no surprise to anyone as it is what we have every week. As always our food was very good & the service was great. We sat chatting for a while afterwards before June dropped me off at home.

This evening & during the night I watched a TV program called The King of Harlem. It is based on a true story about a man in Harlem, New York, USA who ran one of the crime gangs if you haven't seen it, it is well worth a watch.
