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27 July 2024
Alan Morris sat at Buena Vista restaurant in Los Alcazares.

This week started off with me in a lot of pain & finding it hard to walk. Towards the end of the week the pain began to subside & I started to feel better.

Week 43 of 2023.

Monday, 23rd October.

I woke up at around 8 am. I was still in a lot of pain & walking was very difficult. I got myself a coffee & then set about trying to get a new hosting company for my website.

I finally decided which package I needed & began the process. Getting the new host was easy but the old host told me they were still having problems transferring my domain because of a problem on their server. They assure me they will look into it, I hope it won't take long.

At around 4 pm I go to Perlitas bar on my disability scooter to pay the small bill that I hadn't paid when I left in the taxi last week. I apologised to them for leaving without paying it & they told me to look after my leg & hope I get better soon. I go home & settle down on the sofa in front of the television. I take some painkillers & drift in & out of sleep whilst watching the television.

Tuesday, 24th October.

When I woke up this morning my knee was still in a lot of pain & I realised that this week I would have to rest as much as possible. I have been trying recently to walk a bit further but I have to realise my own limitations & use my disability scooter so I don't do my knee any more damage.

My friend Jim called me yesterday to go out for lunch today & at around 1:30 pm he picked me up & drove us to El Puente in Avileses where we met another friend, Dave. We sat chatting & ate a really good menu of the day. All three of us had the same thing, we had a beautiful salad to start, followed by a meat & potato stew. As a dessert Jim & Dave both had vanilla ice cream whilst I had what in the UK would have been described as a Vienetta ice cream, it was delicious.

We sat chatting until around 4 pm & then left to go home but not before arranging to meet for breakfast tomorrow at Cafe Mio in San Javier. Jim dropped me off at home & I sat down on the sofa before taking a painkiller for the pain in my knee.

At around 8 pm, I got myself a jacket potato with beans & cheese & got ready to watch the Sevilla vs. Arsenal, Champions League game on the television. It was a tight game but Arsenal won the game 1-2 which puts them back at the top of their group & in control of their future in the competition.

I went to bed straight after the game, still in pain but happier.

Wednesday, 25th October.

I woke up around 8 am & got myself a coffee. Just after 10 am, Jim picked me up & we went to meet Dave & Doreen at Cafe Mio. I had a great breakfast & it made a nice change to be able to pick exactly what you want rather than having a set meal. I chose to have, 2 bacon, 1 sausage, beans, mushrooms, fried egg, tomato, hash brown, toast & a mug of coffee. It was all excellent, it is just a shame it is out of the range of my disability scooter or I would go on my own for breakfast.

When we left, my knee was really throbbing & I was in quite a bit of pain when Jim dropped me off at home. This afternoon the new hosting company I chose, finished setting up my new hosting package for my website & I am very pleased with it & the support I have been given so far, but I am still having problems getting the old hosting company to release my domain which causes the old unaltered website to still be shown.

The evening was spent with my leg raised to help the swelling on my knee.

Thursday, 26th October.

The pain in my knee is slowly subsiding but I will continue to stay off it as much as possible for the rest of the week.

I spent the whole day trying to get my old web hosts to sort out the problem of releasing my domain name. They keep telling me I can do it myself but when I tell them I can't because their website keeps returning errors when I try, they say they will fix it & get back to me.

Friday, 27th October.

I woke around 8 am today, I slept better last night & the swelling on my knee has gone down. After having a coffee I go out on my disability scooter to get a few bits of shopping. I pick up a hard drive from my friend Jacky to put some videos on for her & then drop off hundreds of used aluminium coffee pots into the recycling bin at the Mercadona store.

I continue on to the Economy Cash store to get the few bits of shopping I want before heading home. It is nice to get out on my scooter for a while after being stuck in the apartment most of the week. I saw my friend Matt in one store & my friends Damien & Marie on my way home. One of the reasons I prefer living in Spain is that I am able to get out & about more easily here than in England & it makes it easy to see friends or just get some fresh air. The cold & wet weather in England make my aches & pains even worse & I wouldn't be able to get around there as much as I am able to here.

The evening is again spent at home & I go to bed after watching television until around midnight.

Saturday, 28th October.

I woke up around 7 am & got myself a coffee before putting some washing in my washing machine & then going around the corner to the Buena Vista restaurant for breakfast. It was a bit chilly when I first went out & I had to wear a cardigan. I was sensible enough to go on my disability scooter & I ordered a tostada & a coffee before sitting & reading my Kindle. Whilst I sat there it quickly warmed up & after a while, I was able to remove my cardigan & enjoy the warmth of the sun on my back. As I was sitting there I couldn't help but notice the reflection of the Mar Menor in the restaurant window & I took a quick photo of it with my phone, I think it looks quite good.

My friend Wayne joined me at around 10 am & we sat chatting for an hour before we left. I went to the Chino shop at the top of the road & bought myself a tray to put some of my plants in that will allow me to water them more easily. I also bought two pots that Wayne has said he can hang on my balcony wall for me. This will enable me to repot some of the hanging plants I bought last week. I don't have a drill & always find hanging things difficult because of my eyesight so his help will be very welcome.

When I get home I wait to get a message from Amazon to tell me that my delivery is ready to pick up. The message I got however tells me that the shop hadn't opened today & they couldn't deliver my package. I contacted Amazon immediately & arranged to have the packages delivered to me at my home address instead but I can only be given a delivery within the next 48 hours.

This afternoon I watched the Arsenal vs. Sheffield United match on the television. All season I have been complaining about Arsenal player, Eddie Nketiah & today he scored a hat trick, Captained the team when he was given the armband when Bukayo Saka went off & was the man of the match. My apologies for doubting you Ediie, make sure this form continues for the rest of the season.

Tonight I watched the Arsenal game again on MOTD before watching two boxing matches. The first was between two British heavyweight fighters who were both brilliant & it was a great fight. The second was between Tyson Fury & Francis Ngannou. Ngannou was the much better fighter & had Fury on the floor in the third round. Anyone who watched the fight would surely have to agree that Ngannou had won the fight on points but the 3 judges gave it to Fury in a split decision.

Sunday, 29th October.

I woke up when my alarm woke me up at 8 am this morning. It had put itself back an hour automatically, technology can be a wonderful thing. I got myself a mug of coffee before settling down at my computer.

I was pleased to see that after a week my website is now back up & running with my new web hosts. I was able to update a few bits of it & did a little work on some of the pages. As I was working my friend George called me. He has arrived back from Scotland in the last few days & wants some advice about backing up his phone to his computer. We arranged to meet for a coffee next week & I then went back to check that my website was working as it should.

I spent the day pottering around on my computer & watching various football matches on the television. I felt better today than I have for a while, my appetite seems to be returning & I ate very well today. I did notice the drop in temperature & even got a blanket out of the cupboard to pull over the top of me while watching television. I guess until I start heading towards Brazil in a couple of weeks it will continue to get cooler. None of the deliveries I should have had from Amazon arrived over the weekend, I hope they all arrive tomorrow.
