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13 March 2025
Alan Morris at Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii.
Alan Morris at Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii.

Today, I went on an escorted tour to see the Waimea Canyon.

After having breakfast onboard the NCL Spirit, I joined my tour party and we all got on a small coach to go and visit the Waimea Canyon. We stopped at Spouting Horn Park in Koloa to see the Pacific Ocean as it broke on the shore, forcing blowholes to shoot through the lava along the coast. This was only a short stop, and we were soon on our way again.

We made another stop at a viewpoint as we drove along the coast. We could see where the canyon ended, and our guide explained that two different families owned either side of the canyon and that the Waimea Canyon marked the border between the two families' land.

When we had finished the drive up to the rim of the canyon our guide pointed us to the path we should take and told us that it was pretty steep in places. This worried me a bit as my legs were sore, and I hoped I would make it up to the different viewpoints to see the canyon. I needn't have worried. The guide was erring on the safe side when she said it was steep. I made it up quite quickly.

The view from the top of the rim across the canyon was excellent, and the waterfall flowing down one of its faces was beautiful. We stayed here for a while before we had to walk back down to rejoin the coach. When we were all on the coach, we drove back down the way we had come, but we stopped on the coast so that everyone could get a drink, something to eat and take a short break.

I had a beautiful mango and papaya juice smoothie when we stopped. It was beautiful tasting and I wish I could remember what else was in it to make some at home. When we finished, we climbed aboard the coach and returned to the ship.

Video of my day visiting Waimea Canyon and Kauai, Hawaii.

Waimea Canyon.

Waimea Canyon, also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is a large canyon, approximately 16 km long and up to 900 m deep, located on the western side of Kauai. Waimea is Hawaiian for "reddish water", referencing the erosion of the canyon's red soil. The canyon was formed by a deep incision of the Waimea River arising from the extreme rainfall on the island's central peak, Mount Waiʻaleʻale, among the wettest places on earth.

Waimea Canyon State Park

Back onboard the NCL Spirit.

I went to the Locals Bar when I returned to the ship. I had chicken wings and cobb salad for my lunch before going to the pool area and relaxing with the cocktail of the day, a Pulp Art, which consisted of Flor de Cana 4-year-old rum, Campari, pepper top cordial, lemon and orange juice.

This evening's entertainment in the Stardust Theatre was Matt Hale, a Hypnotist. As I had no desire to spend the night clucking and walking like a chicken I gave the show a miss. Or at least I can't remember going. Perhaps I did go and become the starring act, but I can't remember anything. I remember having a few beers in Henry's pub, doing the quiz, and returning to my room for an early night.

Matt Hale, hypnotist.
