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16 February 2025
Flowers decorating a patio in Cordoba.
Cordoba Patio Festival.

I saw pictures of the Cordoba Patio Festival and decided to go and see it in 2022. I like Cordoba, having been there before for the Flamenco Festival 2016.

On the morning of the trip, I was up early, ready to go, but unfortunately, I couldn't contact my neighbour, who was supposed to be giving me a lift to the coach pick-up point. Panicking that I would miss the coach, I woke another neighbour who kindly threw some clothes on and took me to the pickup point to catch the coach. I was a bit out of breath and stressed out by the time I got on the coach, but thanks to my neighbour, John, I made it.

The coach journey was uneventful, and after some comfort breaks, we arrived in Cordoba, and I discovered I would be staying in the same hotel I stayed in for the Flamenco Festival the last time I was here.

I spent a long time walking around Cordoba, looking at the different patios and the beautiful flowers. I also got lost in the narrow alleyways and spent some time trying to find my way back to the hotel again. I missed seeing many of the patios because my legs were aching from the long walk when I got lost, and I had to return to the hotel for a rest.

Cordoba trip and Patio festival photos.

On my second day in Cordoba, I went to see the Mosque of Cordoba. I loved the architecture of this Mosque and the fact that it is built inside an old Christian Cathedral.

I enjoyed this trip and would like to go again in a few years, but next time I go, I will need to be better organised so I don't get lost. Cordoba is one of my favourite cities, but it is very hot, and it is easy to get lost.

Mosque of Cordoba photos.
