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27 July 2024
Alan Morris & José Salvador Saura at La Ola Bar in Los Narejos.

The week started off well when I had my TV mounted on the wall. I did a lot of work on my website & edited a lot of photos for it. I went to Murcia to see the flower festival & went out for dinner on Sunday.

Week 15 of 2023.

Monday, 10th April.

I got up around 8:15 am after a late night watching golf yesterday. My friend & local handyman, David Warwick came around in the morning to fit the new television wall bracket & my television, onto the wall for me. After getting up I had a couple of Ginseng coffees to wake me up properly before working on my computer for a while.

David did a great job fixing my television & soundbar to the wall for me & left around midday. I went down to the garage & got my electric bike out. It hasn't got a throttle on it & it has to be peddled but the electric battery & gearing system makes it easier to peddle, which means there is less pressure on my knees as I cycle.

I cycled to meet my friend Martin at the office. By the time I  get there, I am a little bit shaky as I am out of condition & it's the first time I have been on my bike in a long time. I sat with Martin, Dave & Aria talking for a couple of hours before heading back to my apartment. When I got home I got some frozen soup out of my freezer & added some Cumberland sausages to it. I reheat it & end up eating it all. I fell asleep almost immediately after finishing the soup & woke up around 7 pm.

I did some more work on my website before going to bed around 11 pm.

Tuesday, 11th April.

When I woke up today around 6:30 am I immediately got a coffee & sat down at my computer to work on my website. After finishing the work I wanted to do I decided to start moving the furniture around in my apartment.

I was able to move my computer from the spare room to the lounge where I want to work on it. I wanted to move the work table from the spare room to the balcony as well but it was too difficult to move on my own. I went to my neighbour's apartment, Val & Richard invited me in & we sat talking for an hour or so. After having a cup of tea, Richard came back to my apartment with me to move the table. After struggling to get it out of the bedroom we had to remove the legs before carrying it to the balcony & reassembling it. We then moved the chest of drawers that I had in the apartment entryway into the spare bedroom. I thanked Richard for his help & he went back to his apartment, probably wishing he hadn't given me the heavy chest of drawers to start with.

I then set the computer up in my lounge but had difficulty getting the monitor working. After trying for hours I realised that the monitor cable was damaged & after replacing it everything worked well. In the afternoon my friend June asked if I could look at her phone, notepad & laptop. She had been having trouble contacting people with Facebook, I suspected user error & when she picked me up, I went to her home to look at them.

The problem she had was that she had multiple user accounts on different things. She didn't know how this had happened & I suspect well-meaning people who had tried to help, had just set up new Facebook accounts for her instead of fixing the problem. After she told me which account she wanted to use I made sure that the correct account was working on her phone, laptop & notepad. I tidied up her laptop & phone desktops, she had also somehow gotten multiple shortcuts to the same applications on them both & they were just confusing her. 

June dropped me at home & I told her to note down any problems she had with the notepad, phone or laptop so that I could fix them for her in the future. June offered to give me a lift to get the coach for the trip I am going on this Thursday & I gratefully accepted.

This evening Dave & Viv picked me up to go to the Gurkha Durbar restaurant to meet Martin, Kate & Aria. It was Arias birthday & she wanted to go to the restaurant for her birthday meal. I had a lovely chicken Rogan Josh curry & enjoyed the company. After the meal, Dave & Viv dropped me off at my apartment. It had been a long day & I was glad to go to bed.

Wednesday, 12th April.

Today was spent working on my website, the navigation for my website was causing me all sorts of problems. I seemed to take one step forward & two steps backward. Every time I thought I had sorted it out, something different would cause me a different problem.

Thursday, 13th April.

After waking up & getting myself a coffee I did a full restore on my website to a previously saved backup. It was back as it was at the start of the week but it still leaves the navigation system in two different states.

I walked around to the local pharmacy this morning & purchased some more Sintrom, Omeprazol & IdeaCalm tablets, all of which I have run out of. When I got home I moved some of the plants around on my balcony. Unfortunately one of the wooden plant containers that my friend Reinder made for me is starting to fall apart & I will have to replace it. It will give me the opportunity to add a few more colourful plants to my little garden & hopefully attract some more bees & butterflies to my balcony.

At 3 pm June picked me up & dropped me off at the arches in Los Narejos, where I will be picked up for my trip to see the Murcia Spring Flower Festival. After a short wait, the coach arrived & I go to see the festival. When I arrived back in Los Narejos at around 10:15 pm, after seeing the festival, June was waiting for me to give me a lift home. I was very grateful as I had done too much walking today & my legs were swollen & very sore. June didn't take me straight home though, she took me to La Ola bar for a drink before going home. It was nice to unwind for a bit, have a drink & see Jose whose bar La Ola is.

After June dropped me at home I went straight to bed & fell asleep very quickly.

Friday, 14th April.

I woke up around 8 am today, got a coffee & made a small change to my website. I wanted to take a break from the computer & around midday I walked down to the chiringuito outside my apartment & got myself a pint. I sat reading my Kindle & watching the wildlife go by for an hour before going back to my apartment.

This afternoon I moved some more of my computer equipment into the lounge, putting my printer on the chest of drawers there. I also moved some of the furniture in my bedroom around. The rest of the day was spent with my legs up resting them & hoping the swelling will go down.

Saturday, 15th April.

I woke up at around 7:30 am today. I got myself my normal ginseng coffee & sat at my computer for a while. I connected my camera to my computer & transferred the photos & videos that I took at the Flower Festival on Thursday to the computer. I will sort them out & edit the photos over the next few days & edit the short video clips of the parade into one longer video before posting them to my YouTube channel

I put on the first lot of washing that needed to be done & then I went to the Mercadona store just before lunch & got a lot of shopping. I probably got enough groceries for a couple of weeks, minus anything I needed that I forgot. When I got home I had a seafood salad for lunch & put a second lot of washing in the machine before I sat down to watch some football.

Whilst watching the football I sat messaging a friend in the UK. We haven't seen each other since before COVID & it was great to talk to her again after so long. Whilst we were chatting I asked her if she wanted to come over again & after a bit of discussion & a bit of work she had booked her flight to come over in June to stop for a couple of weeks. It will be really good to see her again & I am already looking forward to her visit as we laugh so much when we are together.

After the football finishes I carry on working on my website. I start adding my photo albums back to the website. They are all there but they are hidden from view until I adjust them all slightly. I finished work on the website just after 10 pm, I got myself a beer & watched television until I went to bed after MOTD.

Sunday, 16th April.

I woke up around 7 am & got a coffee before sitting down to work on my website. Just after 9 am, I got myself some cereal for breakfast before then tidying up the kitchen. I then sat down & edited some photos using Photoshop & Lightroom until my friend June came around to take me to lunch at Campbell's bar in Roda.

I had roast lamb with all the trimmings & washed it down with a couple of pints before June took me back to my apartment in time to see the football today. As soon as I got in I sat down to watch the West Ham v Arsenal game. Arsenal started off brilliantly & just like last week they were 2 goals in front. Unfortunately, just like last week their performance dropped off & they allowed West Ham to get back into the game & it finished 2-2. They are still top of the Premier League but with Manchester City still to play, I think they will need to win every game till the end of the season to win the League.

After the game, I walked down to La Playa bar to meet up with my friend Alan Bond. He eventually arrives with his family & we have a chat & talk about things we have planned coming up. He has spare tickets to see Rod Stewart in Murcia later in the year but I am already going. I tell him I will ask my friends if anyone wants to go & if they do to contact him.

When the bar closed early in the evening, Shellie dropped me off at Rocco's bar & I had a couple of beers there & chat with people there. At about 11 pm I left & walked home. By the time I got home, my legs were in a lot of pain & I was glad to get home. I rested my legs for a while before then going to bed.
