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7 March 2025
Florida the sunshine state.
Florida the sunshine state.

On our road trip across America in 1980, we began our trip in Florida, at Orlando. We drove South to the Florida Keys, crossing the Everglades and turning back North to visit Disney World and Cape Canaveral. 

I seem to remember that we spent between a week and ten days in Florida, and these are the places that I remember going to. I will add any memories to this page as I remember them. I am not 100% sure of the order of the places we visited in Florida, but I think the order I listed then on this page is a close order to how we did them.

SeaWorld Florida.

I am pretty sure SeaWorld was the first place we visited after landing in Orlando. I think I even remember the name of the hotel. Back in 1980, Orlando was nothing like it is now, and International Drive was a two-lane road with a sprinkling of hotels on it. We stayed very close to SeaWorld. I believe it may have been the Wyndham Resort hotel, which, at the time, seemed very posh, but I believe it is now under redevelopment. I seem to remember it was next to a Hyatt Regency Hotel, which was very, very posh.

SeaWorld was a lot smaller in terms of things to see or experience back in 1978, but the highlight for me was seeing Shamu and getting splashed by waves of cold salty water as the killer whale splashed water over kids brave enough to experience it up close. I remember seeing the dolphins perform and the Walrus show, but I don't remember a lot else being there when it first opened.

Clearwater Beach.

I remember the hotel we stayed at at Clearwater very well. I have since stayed there on several occasions, as did my mum and dad, but it seems to have changed hands every time any of us stopped. It was right on one of the canals just in front of the main beach at Clearwater. I stayed very close to this hotel a few years later when I met Hulk Hogan, who lived and owned a bar in Clearwater Beach.

I remember it had a small swimming pool at the side near a pontoon that we all went fishing off of. We all caught lots of little fish in the canal as we watched boats go up and down it or spent time splashing about in the swimming pool.

The Florida Everglades.

I remember exactly where we stayed in the Florida Everglades as I went back there many years later and stayed in the same hotel that we stayed in on this trip. Unfortunately, I can no longer find the hotel on any of the maps. I do hope that it and the other small hotels near it are still there and haven't been demolished by the many hurricanes that hit the area.

Back in 1980, there were not many hotels to choose from, and after driving all day, we took the first hotel that had a room. I do remember it was evening and getting dark when we arrived at a small back road with a few hotels on it. For my sister, Karen and I, it would have been quite frightening and exciting to be in the middle of a swamp with nothing but the noise of a few unseen animals breaking the silence of the night. We had had a long drive down from Clearwater, and the whole family was exhausted. We booked into the hotel and went to our room.

I remember the hotel room backed directly onto the swamp, which was about 100 feet from the building we were in. We were on the second floor of a two-storey hotel, and the door had a significant net mesh across the front. I don't remember going to bed, but I do remember waking up. It was pitch black outside, which was surprising as it was about 8 am. While my mum and my sister got ready to leave, my dad took me outside to look for somewhere to eat. When we opened the front door, we realised why it was so dark.

We had heard frogs and toads croaking outside, but when we opened the door, the netting on the door and windows to all the rooms was covered entirely in large frogs and toads croaking as they enjoyed some nocturnal pleasures with their partners. There were so many of them that they blocked out all the light in the room. My dad got my mum and sister to take a look at them hopping around, but Mum, who was never one to like frogs, wouldn't come out in case they got in the room. The amphibious creatures outside were giant. I am sure some of them were large enough to eat a small eleven-year-old boy.

My dad and I made our way through the frogs and toads to a small shack next door to the hotel, selling guidebooks, swamp tours and general groceries. My dad bought a few groceries, drinks and snacks for the trip to Miami, and then we returned to the hotel room. My mum and sister joined me and my dad, and we ate breakfast in the small hotel restaurant before checking out and continuing our journey through the Everglades. As we drove up the dirt track the hotel was on, we saw our first live alligator or crocodile crossing the track in front of us. I remember stopping to look at it as it crossed the track from the swamp water on the right of the car to the swamp on our left. I do not remember if we got out to take a closer look.

The Florida Keys.

I think we stayed on the first of the Keys, Key Largo. I don't think we stayed very long there, possibly because, as an eleven-year-old, there would not have been much to keep my interest in the Florida Keys. My main memory is going into a tourist shop and looking at the skulls of the alligators and crocodiles for sale. I think I bought a badge that I could put on a coat when I got home. It had a dolphin on, I think.

Miami South Beach

When we left the Florida Keys, we drove to Miami South Beach. I remember the hotel well. It was right on the beach and the main road. As you approached from the front, you could see large portal-shaped windows that showed people swimming in the hotel pool. I remember going into the lobby with my mum, dad, and sister, and when we wanted to book two nights, the hotel receptionist asked my dad if he was sure he wanted two nights. When Dad said yes, the receptionist gave him the key and told him he would check us in for one night and that we could let him know if we wanted to stay longer the following day. I don't remember much about the room, but I do remember that Mum wasn't too impressed with it. 

Mum didn't want to go too far from the hotel for dinner that night, so we walked across the road to a diner with a queue of people who all looked very rich. When we went in, it was packed. From memory, it looked more like a school canteen, but there were hardly any tables spare. The only thing I remember eating was the chicken soup. I probably only remember that because the very old waitress ladled more of it out over our laps than she did in the bowls on our table. The restaurant was a Jewish restaurant. The food was kosher, the waitress's wig kept slipping, and all the customers seemed to be very elderly, wealthy Jews.

After our meal, my dad insisted on walking a short way down the road to look around, but eventually, my mum convinced him to go back to the hotel. She didn't like Miami Beach and didn't think it was safe. She wanted to leave straight away but agreed to leave the following day. As we walked back up the road, some police cars came flying past us, their sirens blaring and the lights flashing blue lights up the street as they passed. I joked that someone had probably been murdered in our hotel room. Mum didn't find this funny.

When we got back to the hotel, all the police cars were sitting right outside. Someone had been murdered there, and the police ushered us back to our room and told us to stay inside. The following morning, we checked out early and thanked the receptionist for not booking us for two nights.

Titusville and Cocoa Beach

I don't remember if we stopped anywhere on the way here from Miami, but it did take us longer than the trip should have, so I guess we may have stopped off to look around something on the way up. I do remember my mum being distraught because I and my sister were so tired. I remember that, as we came off the I95 at Titusville, my mum made dad stop at the very first motel we got to. I know exactly where it was because it was on the I95 junction with the 528, from Orlando to the beach. I always used to think of the one night we spent there when I drove past hundreds of times in later life. 

When we got up in the morning, mum and dad realised that they were only a couple of miles from Cocoa Beach. I think they were annoyed they had stopped so close to our destination, but as they didn't know the previous night that they were so close, they soon forgot it. Back in 1978, when we first went there, Cocoa Beach and Cape Canaveral were nothing like they are now, and there were only a few hotels along the beach. We stopped at Motel 6 for 2 nights, which is on the main A1A, just one road back from the beach. We had fun on the beach, fished off the pier, looked around Ron Jon´s Surf Shop, and went to Kennedy Space Centre.

The Space Centre didn't consist of much back then, and I wasn't very interested in the exhibitions like my dad was, but I did love walking around the Space Garden looking at the different rockets on display there. This was a long time before the Space Shuttle. I do remember having a photo taken of me next to the Saturn 1b rocket in the garden, but like so many photos from my youth, they have all been lost.

Disney World

When we went to Disney World on this trip, the only park that was open at that time was the Magic Kingdom. We stayed in one of the few open hotels then, the Howard Johnson at the Walt Disney World Disney Village. It was a short walk to the Walt Disney Village, and our room overlooked the pool below us and the I5 to the back of the hotel. I only remember a few things about going to the Magic Kingdom. They are

  • My favourite ride, Pirates of the Caribbean
  • The Captain Nemo ride.
  • It's a Small World and the repetitive song that no one can stop singing after they go on it. 
  • Lastly, I learned how cool the nighttime parade with all the lights was.


I think after we left Disney World, we headed out of Florida and towards New Orleans in Louisiana. I don't remember stopping anywhere else until we got to New Orleans, but we may well have done.
