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27 July 2024
Alan Morris in front of the Costa Diadema at port in Savona, Italy.

The week started off in Civitavecchia, Italy, before sailing back to Valencia in Spain & returning to Los Alcazares at the weekend & watching the Premier League´s final games of the season from the comfort of my sofa.

Week 21 of 2023.

Monday, 22nd May.

Today the ship docked in Civitavecchia in Italy & I went to see Civit de Bagnoregio, the village that is fading away.

Tuesday, 23rd May.

Today the ship docked in Oristan, Sardinia, Italy.

Wednesday, 24th May.

Today the cruise ship, the Costa Diadema, sailed across the Mediterranean towards Palma de Mallorca.

Thursday, 25th May.

Today the ship & I docked at Palma de Mallorca.

Friday, 26th May.

Today my ship the Costa Diadema returned to Valencia & unfortunately due to train delays & timetables I spent the day waiting for a train home at the station in the middle of Valencia.

Saturday, 27th May.

I didn't wake up until around 9:30 am today. The last few days on board the cruise ship, the bug I caught & the dehydration I suffered from after visiting Civit de Bagnoregio had really taken the energy out of me & I woke still feeling very drained.

I quickly realised that I wouldn't be able to do much today other than rest & keep taking on fluids. I unpacked my suitcase & put some clothes in my washer/dryer machine. I had to look up the instructions for it on the internet & download a user manual in English. After reading the manual briefly, I worked out how to use the machine & put a first lot of washing in it. This small amount of exertion did wear me out so I had a coffee before then going to the Economy Cash superstore to get a few groceries.

After returning home with my shopping I put a film on the television to watch & quickly fell asleep. This afternoon & evening I did some more washing & spent the rest of the time sleeping on my sofa & watching films.

Sunday, 28th May.

I woke up at a more normal time of 6 am today. I did feel a lot better after a good night's sleep. I spent the morning moving my holiday photos from my camera to my computer & then began to select the ones I wanted to use for the photo albums on my website.

I managed to have a Skype call with my sister in the UK & we chatted briefly about my holiday & about what she had been doing. She is coming out to Los Alcazares for a holiday soon & I can't wait to see her again. At 12:45 pm my friend June arrived to pick me up to take me to Campbells for our regular Sunday dinner out. We don't have to order anymore, June had the chicken & I had the lamb & our waitress knew what we wanted without having to ask.

Whilst there we saw my friend Dave with his daughter Lesley & my friend Kate & her daughter Aria. We did not stop to talk to them after our meal as I was still feeling a bit drained & I wanted to get home to watch the Premier League football matches this evening, the last games of the season. June dropped me off at home & I put on a last load of washing before sitting down & falling asleep in front of the television.

I woke up before the football started & sat & watched a very impressive display from an Arsenal team that destroyed Wolverhampton Wanderers & won the game 5-0. It was a great finish to a good season for Arsenal. They finish in 2nd place behind Manchester City & although at long stages during the season, they were top, I feel 2nd place was a fantastic improvement over previous seasons & I am now looking forward to seeing who they recruit during the transfer window to push on & maybe win something next season.

Tonight I stay up long enough to watch all of today's other football games on MOTD before going to bed. 
