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16 September 2024


These articles and blogs all have a connection to Spain in Europe. I went to live in Spain in 2015 and have travelled around it a bit to see different places and different acts or shows.

  • Journey to Madrid.

    I was up early today to go to Torre Pacheco to catch a train to Madrid for an overnight stay.

  • La Union Mine Tour.

    My ancestors in Wales had been miners and I have always been interested in what they had to go through as miners. The conditions they had worked in, in Wales, would have been different, but I would get an idea of what they went through after visiting a local mine in La Union, Murcia.

  • Los Alcazares to Alicante.

    Today, I travelled from Los Alcazares to Alicante for an overnight stay.

  • Los Alcazares to Valencia.

    I went to Valencia by train from Balsicas the day before my cruise departed.

  • Madrid to Barcelona.

    We checked out of our hotel in Madrid today to take the Spanish version of the bullet train to Barcelona. It was quite comfortable and a lot better than the Chinese one I went on just a few months ago.

  • Madrid to Los Alcazares.

    I arrived back in Madrid, Spain today & then made my way back to Los Alcazares.

  • Madrid to Los Alcazares.

    Today, I made the final part of my journey from Madrid to Los Alcazares.

  • Madrid, Spain.

    My flight from Vancouver arrived back in Madrid today. 

  • Malaga, Spain.

    Today, we arrived in Malaga, Spain. It was a place I had never been to and was not what I expected.

  • Montserrat Trip.

    We got up early today for a coach tour to Montserrat via The Church of Colònia Güell on the way. We had no breakfast as our hotel doesn't serve breakfast before 7:30 am.

  • Mums appeal.

    In 2014, I took a two-city break in Spain, staying in Madrid for a few days before travelling to Barcelona for a few days. My mum had been ill for a while, and I was taking a week's respite from being her carer.

  • Murcia Spring Festival.

    I had seen adverts for the Murcia Spring Festival for a few years & this year I decided to go along & see it.

  • Palma de Mallorca.

    Today I woke up in the port of Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

  • Palma de Mallorca.

    I woke early & had some breakfast in one of the breakfast buffets onboard the ship before disembarking & meeting the guide for my guided tour of Palma today.

  • Pilarmonics.

    Not being very clever myself, I have managed to join a few very clever ladies and do a weekly quiz. They don't mind me sitting with them and throwing in the odd correct answer to make it look like I know something. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that four of the ladies with whom I

  • Rod Stewart in Murcia.

    I had seen an advert saying that Rod Stewart was performing at the Bullring in Murcia & I got myself a ticket to go & see him. I decided to go to Murcia earlier in the day, have a look around, see the show, stay overnight in Murcia & go home the next day. 

  • Ruta de la Tapa 2016

    I had spoken to my friends & family that live in Los Alcázares about the Tapas routes that they have been on, but I had never been on one.

  • Segura River rafting.

    My friends Bernice & Angelia said they were going river rafting on the Segura river & asked me if I wanted to go. I had been before with my friend Mick & decided to go again as it is great fun. We were joined by other friends from Los Alcázares & the

    Segway tour of Madrid.

    After a large breakfast, we caught a taxi to where we were taking a Segway tour. We were a bit early, so we had a coffee in a local bar before returning to the Segway tour office.

  • Simply Red in Murcia.

    I had seen that Simply Red was performing at the Bullring in Murcia & being a big fan when I was younger, I got myself a ticket to go & see them. I decided to go to Murcia earlier in the day, have a look around, see the show, stay overnight in Murcia & go home the next


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