Kate Alberici was my great Aunt on the maternal side of my family tree. Born in Clerkenwell, London, England, she lived to be 93 years old.
Birth of Kate Alberici.
Kate was born on December 20th 1905, in Clerkenwell, London, England, to Antoni Albericiand Florence Ellen Featherstone. She was baptised in January 1906 in Pentonville, London, England. She passed away in May 1999.
At some time before she was married, Kate changed her name by deed poll from Alberici to Clark.
Marriage of Kate Alberici to Alfred Henry Jones.
Kate married Alfred Henry Jones on April 4th 1931, at the Holy Trinity Church, Islington, London, England. At the time of her wedding, Kate lived in Copenhagen Street, Islington. Her father Antoni's occupation was an Ashphalter. Alfred was a Warehouseman who lived on Dace Road. Alfred's father Walter John Jones was a retired Warehouseman.
The two witnesses on the wedding certificate were Leonard P Jones and Maud E Jones, Alfreds' brother & sister.
Children of Kate Alberici and Alfred Henry Jones.
- Margaret Jones.
Death of Kate Jones.
Kate died on May 2nd 1999 Camden, London, England, aged 93.