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14 March 2025
Lady standing under an oak tree in a cemetery.

When Kate Alberici was born on December 20, 1905, in Holborn, Middlesex, England, her father, Antoni, was 31, and her mother, Florence, was 28. She married Alfred Henry Jones on April 4, 1931, in Islington, Middlesex, England. They had one child during their marriage. She died on May 2, 1999, at the age of 93.

Birth of Kate Alberici.

Kate Alberici was born on December 20, 1905, in Holborn, Middlesex, England, to Florence, age 28, and Antoni, age 31.


At some time before she was married, Kate changed her name by deed poll from Alberici to Clark.

Marriage of Kate Alberici to Alfred Henry Jones.

Kate Alberici married Alfred Henry Jones in Islington, Middlesex, England, on April 4, 1931, when she was 25 years old.

The two witnesses on the wedding certificate were Leonard P Jones and  Maud E Jones, Alfreds' brother & sister.

Children of Kate Alberici and Alfred Henry Jones.

  1. Margaret Jones.

Census records for Kate.

I found the census records of Kate Alberici in 1911 and 1921.

1911 Census taken on 2 April.

Name.Relation to head.MFCondition to Marriage.Children.Profession.Birthplace.
Anthony Alberici. Head. 36 Married. 15 4 3 1 Cylinder pinner. Organ builder. Clerkenwell, London.
Florence Alberici. Wife. 33 Married. 15 4 3 1 Islington, London.
Frank Alberici. Son. 14 Islington, London. 
Albert Alberici. Son. 10 Islington, London.
Kate Alberici. Daughter. Clerkenwell, London.
  • Civil parish:  Islington
  • County/Island:  London
  • Country:  England
  • Street Address: 48 Barnsbury Road, Islington, London
  • Registration District Number: 10
  • Sub-registration district: Barnsbury
  • ED, institution, or vessel: 10
  • Piece: 881

1921 Census taken on 19 June.

Relation to Head.
Marriage or orphaned.
Work address.
Number Ages living children. 
Anthony Clark. Head. 46 11 M Married. Clerkenwell, Middlesex. Asphalt layer. Lawford  + Co. Asphalt contractors. 1-15
Florence Clark. Wife. 43 6 F Married. Islington, Middlesex. Home duties.
Albert Clark. Son. 20 4 M Single. Islington, Middlesex. Trunk maker. HH Bowman trunk maker. 104 Barnsbury Road.
Kate Clark. Daughter. 15 6 F Single. Clerkenwell, Middlesex. Baby milliner.

GH Cox + Co.

Children's outfitters.

24-25 Featherstone, 54 City Road.

1921 Census Of England & Wales: GBC/1921/RG15/00935/0257/01

Death of Kate Jones.

Kate died on May 2nd 1999, in Camden, London, England, aged 93.
