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16 September 2024


These blog entries are my journals detailing my everyday life. I make these because I have a poor memory, and these help me to look back at things I have done and the people I have spent time with.

  • Week 41 journal.

    This week started slowly but finished in a flurry. I met lots of friends on Caldero day, spent a few hours with friends whilst out shopping, had dinner at a Chinese restaurant with another friend, met another friend for coffee and finished the week at another friend's house having dinner.

  • Week 41.

    This week started wet but it turned nice mid-week. I spent a lot of time cataloguing my genealogy records for my research & using the Lightroom training I did last week to help me do this. At the end of the week, I went to a birthday party but nearly went twice.

  • Week 42 journal.

    This week started slowly and ended in a lot of pain, but one in which I saw an old friend for the first time in about 10 years.

  • Week 42.

    This week was a strange week, it included several visits to the Doctor, my disability scooter running out of power whilst I was out on it, confirmation of my cabin number for next week's cruise, me singing at karaoke in a bar & watching my friend sing at a bar on another night.

  • Week 43 journal.

    This week started with me in a lot of pain and finding it hard to walk. Towards the end of the week, the pain began to subside, and I started to feel better.

  • Week 43.

    The start of this week dragged by as I waited for my holiday towards the end of the week. By the end of the week when I set off for my Mediterranean cruise I was getting really excited.

  • Week 44 journal.

    This week, I continued to rest my leg. I got a knee support, which seemed to help with the strength and pain in my knee. I did a lot of work on my website and went out for meals with friends on different days.

  • Week 44.

    The week started off in Rome, Italy before continuing on to Naples, Italy, Palma on Mallorca, back to Valencia, Spain & then onward to my home in Los Alcázares.

  • Week 45 journal.

    This week was spent working on my website and preparing to leave for my cruise from Barcelona to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

  • Week 45.

    This week I did a lot of resting to allow my aching leg to recover & I did a lot of work editing videos & photos from my cruise last week to be added to my website & my YouTube channel.

  • Week 46 journal.

    This week was spent cruising towards Brazil on the Costa Favolsa, visiting Cadiz and Tenerife on the way.

  • Week 46.

    This week my leg gets more uncomfortable & I go to see a Doctor. He wants me to go back to see the nurse so she can check my legs for at least a month. He gives me tablets to help with my circulation & tells me I have to wear compression stockings. Apart from that it was a quiet week

  • Week 47 journal.

    This week was spent cruising across the Atlantic before we arrived in Brazil and then visited Recife, Salvador, and Ilheus before ending the cruise in Rio de Janeiro.

  • Week 47.

    This week was very quiet, spent mostly with my feet up watching the world cup. But I did go out to see a show at Playa de Espejo outside my apartment. The girl playing with fire was very hot.

  • Week 48 journal.

    In week 48 of 2023, I travelled to and arrived in Rio de Janeiro on the cruise ship Costa Favolsa and spent 5 days there before flying home.

  • Week 48.

    This week was very quiet. It started off at the Doctors who prescribed me more tablets & some gel for my swollen & painful knees. At the end of the week, I went to see the Los Alcázares Christmas tree lighting ceremony.

  • Week 49 journal.

    This week I spent most of the time trying to recover from my holiday in Brazil. I rested my leg and worked on my website, but I did get out for dinner on Sunday.

  • Week 49.

    Most of this week was spent quietly at home but I was led astray at the end of the week by my friends Stuart & Graham who forced me to have one too many glasses of shandy.

  • Week 5 journal.

    This week started slowly as I was still getting over a cold. I also saw a doctor about my tinnitus. The week finished with me receiving the documents for my upcoming holiday.

  • Week 5 journal.

    Week 5 of 2024 started slowly, waiting for a delivery, but it soon got exciting when I booked my next adventure. I hadn't planned to do anything, but I still went out to eat on four different occasions.
